Tuesday, September 19, 2017

AMERICA ? Ive Been Researching 4 -10 Yrs Now. I Now Know Tons About #NOT...

4 MORE TRUTH Go To  stopthecrime.net Infowars.com   See What Nasa Wrote In The On Papers About What There Planes Are 4 #WeThePEOPLE. Look At The Truth About VACCINES ?  https://youtu.be/I_HtUg8vtA0 For More Truth Go To stopthecrime.net #StopWastson's A.I. #SYSTEM That is #RUNNING & #RUINING GOOGLERS, & All It's Platforms Associated with it #YOUtube/& All Shared Sites. All #Controlled By Watson's A.I. #GOVERNMENT CONTROLLED ! #DEEP #STATE. This Control RUNS Across the Entire Spectrum #AMERICA. This is a Satan Run SYSTEM. From T.V.-Radio-All SCHOOLS K- Thru- COLLEGES. Controlling All Food-Air-Water-Vaccines-Health-Electricity-Gas-Cable-News Papers-News Networks Dump Them All Help #MAGA Now ! GOD SPEED !. Go To minds.com - freedom.social & gab.ai also seen.life Take back here to take back your Freedom Of Speech. It's A Start To Bring Back Truth-facts and Freedom.Together WE THE PEOPLE the Bosses Of Them Begin To #MAGA- #MAFREEA GOD SPEED & GOD BLESS AMERICA Soon To COME V4VENDETTA. LATER BROTHERS &SISTERS There Is After All Only 2-GENDERS 2 THAT'S It.
please click on my new video here !  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N2Wcli2ursM picture is not showing.thxs P.S. AMERICA !
Sep 19, 2017, 5:22:53 AM
 ALL LIES LIES LIES. Wake up . We Are Under Attack. There Brainwashing Our Kids and there Planes are to Kill Billions of us at alarming short Period. saying its Natural Or It's Our Fault. Remember ?FUKusSHIMA?. Wake up . Know this America, Anything with SMART In Front Of It Will Mean Death To We The PEOPLE. IN JESUS NAME AMEN ! SATAN BE GONE. IN THE END GOD WINS AMEN !  #MAGA Remember ? #ACTS 2:38  #ACTS 2:39 REPENT or PARISH SAITH the LORD THY GOD. REBUKE This WORLD & The THINGS in It. The Power Of God Is In You. Release The Power Of GOD That Dwells In Your Soul. Receive The Gift Of The Holy Ghost and You Will Speak In Tounges. Instantly Your Reborn. A New Person In Christ. Satan Shall Flee From You .You Will Re-rejoices In Your DRUG FREE-ALCOHOL-FREE EVIL-FREE HIGH . A High That Will Be A Ever Lasting High. That SATAN Will Flee & FEAR AMEN BOTHERS & SISTERS HALLELUJAH !  There Is ONLY 2 GENDERS MAN & WOMAN !  IN JESUS NAME AMEN !  ACTS238 ACTS239   GOD BLESS AMERICA THAT IS ALL AMEN !  https://youtu.be/Th-1-fJdR6U

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